About Us - Reclaiming Revival Church

About us

The ministry that proclaims the Imminent and Glorious coming of JESUS CHRIST through His Servant Pastor Alain KADULI. The midnight voice, the voice crying in the wilderness announcing the the Church of CHRIST and the nations of the earth to prepare themselves in a life of absolute Repentance and Holiness, have zero tolerance to sin and live a life of Holiness in order to enter the Kingdom of GOD when the Rapture take place.

Our Story - Reclaiming Revival Church


LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and i Repent of all my sins, please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today, I turn away from all sin, and i receive you into my heart today as my LORD and SAVIOUR, Please write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in Holiness, and establish your Word in my heart and protect my heart.

In the Mighty Name of JESUS, I am Born Again today. Amen.

Our Mission

The Mission of RECLAIMING REVIVAL led by the man of God is therefore to instruct the people of God to prepare themselves for the coming of JESUS CHRIST. It is not enough to know that the LORD JESUS is coming back to hope to go with Him, but it is necessary to prepare in Repentance and  Holiness, and the preparation cannot be done without the help of the Holy Spirit, because He alone has the capacity to provide the bride of Christ with the extra oil she will need to enter the Kingdom of GOD.

Our Mission - Church

Meet our beloved Pastors

Welcome to Reclaiming Revival Church. Our dedicated Pastors lead with wisdom and faith and power, teaching God's Word and nurturing our community with love. They inspire us to grow spiritually and live out the gospel daily. Join us as we journey together, guided by their heartfelt ministry.

Alain Aganze Kaduli

Senior Pastor

Pastor Alain Aganze KADULI of Global Reclaiming Revival Church is a Doctor of Divinity and an Engineer in Computer Science and Architect by profession who was called by God into the Prophetic Ministry with a specific mandate from the LORD JESUS, namely to prepare His people for His imminent return.

For the past 7 years he has preached to millions of people during revival meetings in Canada and also to other nations of the earth.

The anointing that the LORD has given to his servant when he died for 4days and went to heaven and came back with a scroll of the endtime revival movement, the anointing is so massive that it even heals people thousands of miles away. He has preached and healed so many people in the name of Jesus, and regularly JESUS our LORD takes him in spirit to Heaven and gives him the messages of the coming of JESUS, and the anointing to come heal the children of GOD.


Pastor Alain received several visions from the LORD regarding the end events, including those for the Coming of the MESSIAH and after the rapture of the church during the tribulation and the great tribulation .

Among the many visions received, we can cite: the visions of the God’s Clock in Heaven of 2 seconds to Midnight, the visions of the Rapture of the Church into glory, the vision of the persecution of the Church, the vision of  the tribulations and many other visions. 


His Mission is to preach Repentance and Holiness as he was instructed by God in order to prepare His people for His return.

Isaiah 40:3 A voice cries, Prepare in the wilderness the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Statement of Faith

The Holy Bible - Church

The Holy Bible

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john 3:16; Thessalonians 2:13
In God Love - Church

In God's Love

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john 3:16; Thessalonians 2:13
The Family - Church

The Family

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john 3:16; Thessalonians 2:13
The Saviour - Church

The Saviour

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john 3:16; Thessalonians 2:13
One Single Truth - Church

One Single Truth

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john 3:16; Thessalonians 2:13
The Strength Of  God - Church

The Strength of God

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john 3:16; Thessalonians 2:13